Goodbye California, Hello Carolina!

I now live and make art in Asheville, North Carolina. I am excited to be part of a vibrant and artistic community. I will be working out of the Odyssey Center for the Ceramic Arts and I look forward to meeting other local clay people.

I am unsure when I will return to Oakland, but it was truly an honor to be in such an artistic and supportive community and I will miss you!


beaW said...

I fell in love with your female body pitcher at julie's and must buy it . I learned that it was last one and I am sad and disappointed to learn that you sold everything and move to Colorado!!!! Move back to oakland soi can buy more female body dishes for my friends and myself! Why aren't you sure to come back to oakland ? Ia lucky to buy the last female body pitcher!

beaW said...

I fell in love with your female body pitcher and bought it at Julie's and ask for more but I was told that it is last one. I am lucky to have it. I wish to buy more for my friends and myself.
When will you come back to oakland?

Katherine A. Johnson said...

more female body pitchers pictured on here. I can hold one for you and do a paypal interaction or ill post it on etsy for you. Let me know, asap, i wish i had a way to contact you. I am so happy you love your pitcher.